It’s Always The Women Who Mourn

Words by Dave Boulton, music by Jeff Parton
Download lyrics sheet with chords

I remember the telegram, father in tears, we’d lost Albert at El Alemaine
Mum didn’t cry but I don’t think that I can remember her smiling again
There were thousands of sons sacrificed to the guns, thousands who died all alone
But fifty years on she still talks of her son as if any day now he’ll be home

It’s always the women who mourn in the cold lonely hours before dawn
Crying for sons lost … Continue reading

Mountains and Men

Laugh Or Cry Same Price by Dave Boulton

By Dave Boulton & Jeff Parton

Download lyrics sheet with chords

I watched the sheep grazing out over the hills on a patchwork of yellow and green
Saw the barns and the byres, the homesteads and farms, and the miles of stone wall in between
From the valleys they sweep to the skyline, from the mountains run down to the sea
And I wondered who’d given a lifetime of labour and what kind of men they had been

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Mind Over Matter

Laugh Or Cry Same Price by Dave Boulton

I was going to Majorca with the missus son and daughter
For a week of sea and sand and Spanish “pop”
And we’d just got to the airport when a relatively rare thought
Just popped into my head and made me stop
I said “I wish we’d brought the telly” they said “Dad you’re being silly”
I said “I’m not I’ve left the tickets on the top.”

‘Cause my belly’s gone to pot and my eyes are on the blink
My hair came off in handfuls … Continue reading

Make Do and Mend

Laugh Or Cry Same Price by Dave Boulton

Words by Dave Boulton, music by Jeff Parton

When I was a lad I remember my dad
Said not to throw good things away
He had an old rhyme he’d recite all the time
And these are the words he would say

Make do and mend, tinker and tend
Never subscribe to the spon new and spend
Repair and refurbish, restore and refurnish
It’s waste not and want not and make do and mend

Now things that were loved get shifted and shoved
To make room for new … Continue reading

Lozakin’ Abite

Look Back In 'Anley by Dave Boulton

Words by Dave Boulton, music by Jeff Parton

You know some folk are full of poke, they brim with vim and zip
The other trend is those who tend to need a load of kip
So when the latter gets a chance to laze and layabout
The former group are cock-a-hoop ’cause they get chance to shout

Wut stop lozakin abite? Wut stop lozakin abite?
I wunna ‘ave they slichin’ on the ewd setee!
And I wunna ‘ave they spraggin’ on the chairs, dust see?
I’ll tell thee I … Continue reading

Little Willie’s Walnut Whip

Look Back In 'Anley by Dave Boulton

Download lyric sheet with chords

When little Willie Warrilow went off to school each day
His mummy she walked with him up the street
She’d kiss him at the old school gates before he ran to play
And in his hand she’d slip a little treat
Now all the naughty girlies in the playground
They stood and watched with avaricious eyes
And then they start conniving and conspiring and contriving
To relieve young master William of his prize

Willie’s little walnut whip
Willie’s little walnut whip
All … Continue reading

Lick ’em and Stick ’em

Look Back In 'Anley by Dave Boulton

(It’s about National Insurance Stamps (honest!))

Download lyric sheet with chords

I never did care for the working though I’ve done time at Doulton and Spode
But I never got given my cards and my coppers I never got sent up the road
Now gaffers and bosses are all just the same always looking for fault and somebody to blame
So I’d kept my eye on the bugger I knew he’d got his eye on me
And as soon as … Continue reading

If You Can’t Hold Your Beer

Download lyric sheet with chords

There’s some who think drinking’s a pleasure
While others might say it’s a gift
It turns some into laughable affable fools
While some get the misogs or manically miffed
But there’s just a few turn into monsters
Beer sodden Jekyl and Hydes
And if all this rings true and you recognise you
It’s about time you took this advice

If you can’t hold your beer then don’t drink it
If you can’t stand the sauce then don’t sink it
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His Worship and the Pig

Words and music by Jeff Parton

Well now you’ve called on us to sing we’ll see what we can do
But first of all there’s something that we have to say to you
We know you must be wondering, so this is how it goes,
We feel we ought to tell you now so everybody knows:

I am His Worship and he is the Pig
Couldn’t you picture me wearing a wig
His manners are not as refined as his trotters ‘cause
I am His Worship and he is the Pig

Well now we’ve sorted that out we … Continue reading