This song is about somone sat at the back
But don’t all go turning round
If you want to know who then I’ll give you a clue
It’s the blonde person doing the sound
Now at twiddling knobs there’s no hassle or probs
The fact is she’s splendid and super
But the problem that burns put in delicate terms
Is the fact that she swears like a trooper
Now David and me don’t mind S-H-1-T
But will you stop F-in and Blindin
We ignore the odd arse and we’d let bugger pass
But will you stop F-in and Blindin
Well you’ve been told before but we’ll tell you once more
In the hope that you won’t need reminding
That words with four letters are not always better
So will you stop F-in and Blindin
Well “ Oh tish!” is quite cute and “Oh bunter”s a hoot
But will you stop F-in and Blindin
We can put up with tart even tolerate fart
But will you stop F-in and Blindin
Though you might think it odd, it’s OK to say sod
But we’d like an agreement that’s binding
On you giving up F- words and P- words and S- words
In short you stop F-in and Blindin
You can make use of chuffin’, the old standby stuffin’
But will you stop F-in and Blindin
You can fall back on todger and even old Rodger
But will you stop F’in and Blindin
We’d like you to chuck all words ending in “uck”
This includes the new one’s you keep finding
Though we know that you meant to shun chocolate for Lent
We’d prefer you’d stop F’in and Blindin