Cox’s Entry

Words by Dave Boulton May09
Key F Maj

Well my name’s Arthur Draycott and I live near Trubshaw cross
In the same old house I lived in as a nipper
And when there was work around well I worked in Burslem town
For the most part down at Doulton’s as a dipper

.Now me mother she had babies like other folks have shoes
I mean in pairs not sling-backs or galoshes
And our old two up two down was back-to-back and tumble down
So you’ll guess the life we lived was not the posh-est

First up best dressed’s the motto and give thanks for what you have
And although those days are gone they’re not forgotten
And on Fridays there would be fish and chips and peas for tea
With the wireless tuned into Billy Cotton

But there’s no where take your sweetheart after nights out in the pub
If the romance sometimes comes upon you frantic
Cause you couldn’t take her home cause there’s nowhere to be alone
I’d have settled for a raft on the Atlantic

But in Burslem back in those days was a little alley way
And a baker’s shop run by one Mr Bentley
The other side was Cox’s Greens and the passage in between
Was a place the locals knew as Cox’s entry.

And on countless Friday nights you would find me and my girl
With my mucker or her girlfriend standing sentry
And we’d kiss and we would cuddle we’d canoodle and we’d snuggle
There was heaven in the dark of Cox’s entry

Now the missus and myself have been together 30 years
And though we never had the wealth of landed gentry
And though we’ve had our ups and down, lived in half a dozen towns
We’ve not forgotten times in Cox’s entry

And though I’m getting on a bit there’s life in the old dog yet
And I give thanks for the girl that heaven sent me
And sometimes Friday nights well we switch out all the lights
And relive the times we spent in Cox’s entry

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